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html letters
2 Students 01h
Basic Coding HTML Workshop
Ever wanted to learn how to code? Or do you want a refresher on the basics of HTML? Say Hello World to the internet.

This workshop will teach you the basics of how a webpage works and how to go about creating one yourself if you want to.

Sign up for our online workshop today! No experience needed!
5 (2)
Prices TBD
colorful alphabet
2 Students 01h
Basic Coding CSS Workshop
Now that you know how to write basic HTML, how do you go about making the page LOOK nicer? CSS is every designers first step to making any page look its best.

This workshop will teach you the basics of how designing a basic webpage works.

Sign up for our online workshop today! No experience needed!
5 (2)
Prices TBD
1 Student 01h
Basic Coding JavaScript Workshop
So your page looks good. Now you want to have those buttons click and those interactions function.

This workshop will teach you the basics of vanilla JavaScript and how it truly customizes any webpage!

Sign up for our online workshop today! Basic HTML and CSS experience needed only!
4 (1)
Prices TBD
html letters
1 Student 02h
Multipage HTML Advanced Workshop
Have ideas for multiple pages but don't know how to link them together?

This workshop teaches you the advanced techniques on how to create a multipage website and make it look professional in the process!

Sign up for our online workshop today! Basic HTML and CSS experience needed only!
5 (1)
Prices TBD
design photo
1 Student 02h
Advanced Coding CSS Workshop
Ever wondered how to create a navbar? A hero image? Or do you simply just want to customize the spacing of your elements to your unique specifications?

This workshop will teach you how to use the latest version of Bootstrap and how to really take your coding practices to the next level of professionalism.

Sign up for our online workshop today! Advanced HTML and CSS experience needed!
5 (1)
Prices TBD
- Students 02h
Advanced Coding JavaScript Workshop
Want to really customize your users experience with personalized responses when they click on functions on your page?

This workshop will teach you the advanced techniques of vanilla JavaScript that will keep your subscribers coming back for more!

Sign up for our online workshop today! Advanced HTML and CSS experience needed!
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Prices TBD
seo letters
- Students 01h
Advanced Coding Workshop SEO
What is SEO and how can you use it to improve the quality and quantity of website traffic to your website from search engines?

This workshop teaches you all you need to know to optimize your code with SEO standard practices.

Sign up for our online workshop today! Basic HTML and CSS experience needed only!
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Prices TBD
social media
1 Student 01h
Social Media Intergration Workshop
Social media integrations with your website can help you engage your audience, improve your followership and generate more traffic.

Whether you have a food blog or an corporate enterprise, staying connect today is now a necessity. This workshop teaches you how to do just that in a few easy clicks.

Sign up for our online workshop today! Basic HTML and CSS experience needed only!
4.5 (1)
Prices TBD
1 Student 02h
Advanced Workshop Git/Github
Working on multiple coding projects with multiple people at one time and need a better way to communicate? Need a place to save and store your data safely and securely? Just need extra space on your computer?

This workshop will teach you how to use the "cloud service" of coding so that you never have to worry about losing your precious data again!

Sign up for our online workshop today! Advanced HTML and CSS experience needed!
4 (1)
Prices TBD
google app
1 Student 02h
Website Hosting Advanced Workshop
So you've created your website. Now what? Get a domain. Customize your email. Make your business (or hobby) even more professional looking on the web!

This workshop will teach you all you need to know about safely posting your latest project out there for all the world to see.

Sign up for our online workshop today! Advanced HTML, CSS and GitHub Desktop experience needed! GitHub account required!
4.5 (1)
Prices TBD

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